Whether the topic is America’s pastime, the healthcare industry or observations on life Ross can spin a tale like a modern day Will Rodgers. Ross may think he only knows what he knows but based on his thoroughly enjoyable compilation of life’s insights it appears as if he knows more than he takes credit for. I Only Know What I Know will make you think, make you ponder and, most importantly, make you smile.
Ron Yukelson, Associate Administrator - Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center
“I Only Know What I Know” is a great read! Entertaining and thought provoking, Ross covers topics that bring fond memories of the past and make us think about the future.
Gina Stassi, Vice President Marketing and Client Services - Clear Vision Information Systems
Each page of “I Only Know What I Know” brought smiles and nods of recognition. In addition, Ross has provided us with true wisdom when he says something as profound as “I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t benefit by attending a religious service of a faith other than their own.” This is especially compelling in a world where hate and divisiveness are used by some as coin of the realm.
Dennis Eder, Managing Partner - Strategic Health Group
“There is a little bit of Charlie Brown in all of us,” and it makes the world a better place. “Lemonade should NOT be carbonated,” because it is, quite simply, wrong. “Wise people DO reach different conclusions,” and different conclusions can each be right. I don’t know a lot, but I do know this: Ross’ musings resonate, say aloud the things we think frequently, and add joy and thoughtfulness to the world.”
Debbie J. Ahl, Founder & Managing Partner - Edgewater Advising
Whether you read it cover to cover or savor just a couple of bite-site gems each day, “I Only Know What I Know” will make you smile and you’ll find yourself nodding in agreement with the musings Ross shares. Simplistic on the surface but deep in its message, this book captures the essence our crazy world and that makes this book a must read and a great gift to share with family and friends.
Abbie Maliniak, Attorney at Law
In “I Only Know What I Know” Ross captures the essence of practicality and shows the reader what a crazy world we live in. Buried not so deep in the passages is the wisdom of many ages and old souls who marvel at humanity in general, and result in continuous page turning to discover yet other passages that can’t but help but bring consistent smiles.
Geoff Kaufmann, Vice President - American Red Cross
I loved the book’s fundamental truths. I found myself nodding and saying out loud, “Yep, so true!” Had I been able to read the book 10 years ago, I probably could’ve avoided my mid-life crisis.
Hank Shaw, Charitable Foundation Executive
If you’re like me, you enjoy a break from work. Most of us read the news, browse the Internet or look at social media — One word: depressing! Instead, I’ve kept a copy of “I Only Know What I Know” on my desk. Every time I pick it up, it brings a smile to my face. This book is full of silly tidbits that make you laugh, think and remember the good times. It’s a welcome reprieve from the seriousness of work….and life.
Jen Sorkin, Senior Software Engineer - Tecolote Research, Inc.
The book “I Only Know What I Know” made me laugh and hit close to home. I enjoyed sharing the book with my family at dinner time. The messages to my children were meaningful, positive and powerful. I recommend sharing with your family and friends.
Jennifer Vonarb